“The whole history of the progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of earnest struggle…If there is no struggle, there is no progress…Power concedes nothings without a demand…Find out just what any people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them…The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” –Frederick Douglass Americans have lost more freedom every year for decades now. Many have fought back courageously against it. At times they have pushed back the tyranny, but not for long. Everyone on the left and the right understand that the law-fare being waged against Trump is meant to be a message to all who would stand up to the leftest agenda. If they can get away with it they will win. Like our Founding Fathers, Trump is risking his life, his fortune, and his honor to fight the the judicial tyranny that Thomas Jefferson warned would be the greatest threat to our Republic. How many will join him to defend the Constitution and our nation that so many have paid such a high price to establish and preserve? It is now our time. Will we answer the call? The meltdown in our government is not caused by the Constitution, but by those who have disregarded it. The oath every official and officer in our government takes is to defend the Constitution, not the government. If the government becomes our oppressor we have a Constitutional duty to remove those who are in it who have failed to keep their oath, and replace them with those who will. The first duty of our federal government is to defend our nation and its people. What has been allowed on our Southern border is already having terrible consequences across the nation, but this year it is going to touch virtually every community in America with lawlessness and destruction. This year will see the states and the people rise up and throw out those who have allowed this to happen. In a republic the people are the Sovereign. Are, "We the people" going to take our authority and turn back this horrendous destruction of our country? It is time. We can retreat no further.

Posted by Rick Joyner at 2024-02-21 08:30:48 UTC