Last week Julie and I began moving back to Moravian Falls. I immediately felt like I was back home. I hope to be spending at least half of my time there. Much of the core purpose of MorningStar is centered In Moravian Falls, but what ithis region is called to is bigger than MorningStar. There are many missions and churches there that are moving forward with vision and purpose that is very exciting. We just want to do our part with the devotion and excellence the King deserves. I am also at home at Heritage in Fort Mill and, Lord willing you will see me there a lot as well. I am not divided because I am at home in two places, but it's like having a double portion. I get to be apart of what is happening in both places. Both have a common purpose that will multiply our power, authority, and fruit when the unity between them is complete. As this "flows to the sea" we will join with other tribes and movements that will bring further multiplication. A main purpose is to be a part of the net God is building to hold the catch that is coming. Again, this is far bigger than MorningStar, but we have a part in helping bring this about. We are in the phase when the members of the body of Christ find their place, their tribe, and their place in it. As all are trained and begin to function, what is perceived by many to just be a small thing is going to grow into a mountain and keep growing until it fills the earth. Don't miss out. Get in your place.
Posted by Rick Joyner at 2024-02-20 15:09:31 UTC