Thomas Jefferson considered "judicial tyranny" to be the greatest threat to our Republic. He explained this as when unelected judges would impose their own will and prejudices over the will of the people, as expressed in the Constitution and the laws of the land passed by the representatives of the people. This has gotten much worse than what Jefferson feared. We are now at the point of judicial anarchy where anything goes. Judges are making up the law, which is fundamentally unconstitutional, as it states clearly that only the congress can make laws. The legal battles now being waged against Trump to keep him off the ballot is a very basic attack on democracy, using the courts to deny the people the right to vote for someone they may want. This is called "law-fare," and it is pushing the country toward a terrible meltdown. Whether we may like or want Trump of not, this should be an outrage to those who would preserve our Republic.

Posted by Rick Joyner at 2024-02-15 15:11:06 UTC