I know many have been from amazed to shocked by the interview Tucker Carson did with Putin. The Russian leader came across as almost the opposite of the way he's been portrayed in the Western media. This is not to believe Putin absolutely either, but this interview does a lot to reveal how distorted and full of propaganda our media is, as well as how wrong our foreign policy often is. The war in Ukraine should never have happened, and the U.S. and Russia should be best friends. The fact that we're adversaries instead could be one of the worst mistakes we've ever made in foreign policy. Of course, we can't just blame one side, but we do need to learn from the mistakes we're made, and opportunities we've missed. A main culprit in all of this is the media. We can't believe anything in the media absolutely, and much of it we should not believe at all. Pray for both Ukraine and Russia. This was a family fight that should never have happened. Pray for truth and wisdom in our foreign policy.

Posted by Rick Joyner at 2024-02-13 16:57:59 UTC