There is AN ENTIRE Kingdom living on the inside of you, and RIGHT NOW you are a citizen of heaven. Let that sink in!!! There is no time, space, or distance in the spirit, so what then can separate us from the love of God? Only our own neglect, I suppose. We are carriers of the Kingdom sent to stand up against nations to uproot and tear down, to destroy, build up, and plant.” Father, we pray that Your Kingdom be manifested on earth through each one of our lives. Send the Helper to help us do what only You can do and not by our own physical strength. Give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts that understand so that we may prosper in the thing that you sent us to accomplish on the earth. Send revival today and make Your Bride pure, blameless, and Holy before You in love that we may be able to stand and prevail against any adversary, resistance, or challenge that we may encounter this year, and in these last days. InJesus Name The Spirit and the Bride say, "COME." Luke 17:20-21 Philippians 3:20-21 Romans 8:38-39 Jeremiah 1:10 Isaiah 55:11 Matt 6:10 John 15:26 EPHESIANS (all) Rev 22:17
Posted by Mkclarke425 at 2024-02-13 14:58:17 UTC