In the Lord's Prayer, His words "lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil" convey the idea that where He leads will not only help us avoid paths and people that may drive us to compromise but can also "deliver us" from bad situations and outcomes, even intended by those conspiring against us. King David prayed often to be delivered from his enemies... and his life reveals those prayers were answered time after time. He not only questioned the Lord on many occasions about what to do, he acted and took risks. The leading of the Holy Spirit is not just for prayer and prophecy in Church meetings but also for the most practical things impacting our families, jobs, businesses, and health. When He leads us, He will deliver us from falling prey to evil in practical things such as: - Mental Health - (Even in the face of death, Jesus not only performed a miracle but personally encouraged Jairus to have the right frame of mind.) Mark 5:36 - Physical Health - (By leading Moses to take action, the drinking water was purified for the people, preventing a mass poisoning.) Exodus 15:25 - Finances - (Jesus provided insight on where to find a coin of enough value to pay their taxes.) Matthew 17:27 - Nationwide Famine - (Joseph was lead to take practical action to help the people be ready for a coming crisis.) Genesis 41:35-36 - Victory in War - (David inquired of the Lord about battles and received direction on who, when, and where to fight.) II Samuel 5 - Death - (When Peter was waiting to be tried, he was led out of prison in what he thought was a vision, orchestrated to save his life.). Acts 12:11 One thing each of these stories has in common is people were not only led by God but they took actions that aligned with the leading. How many times do we ask God to do something for us or someone else but possibly miss the action required on our part? The greatest stories ever told are not of those who merely had faith but of those who acted upon it. #ask#believe#act#thykingdomcome
Posted by AStryker at 2024-02-03 16:27:27 UTC