Prophetic Simularities - Prophetic Bread Crumbs In 2016-2020 I was working with a system called Prophet 21 and my employee number was 21… for the next 3 years I was working with a system called Great Plains at “finishing school” and now I’m working with a system called matrix. This is the year of the matrix! Two dimensions will collide & become interchangeable, traversing from one to the other. We’re in the pioneering stages. There will be a matrix of pioneers! In Lake Tahoe (Sierra mountains) I lived on pioneer trail, here I live on Boone trail (a pioneer) in the Brushy mountains. Next week I go to train in Fayetteville on Boone trail… what are the chances!! At finishing school my apartment was 3072 Strong’s Concordance Hebrew is Jehovah Tsidkenu the Lord our Righteousness. Here my house number is 2037 (same numbers in a different order) and is Strong’s Concordance Greek is beloved… These are only a few prophetic bread crumbs that are signs to me. You can’t make this stuff up!!!

Posted by FilledWithPower at 2024-01-26 11:57:04 UTC