Not once in all the written word did the LORD Jesus Christ (ultimately) deny a one their request for healing or deliverance. And certainly not because He said He was using sickness or disease to teach or chasten someone, or by saying that it was not yet their time for deliverance. We see Him say though that when asked “If it be thy will.”, He responds, “I am willing.” and then He cleanses the leper. That, being the only time we have it recorded when He is questioned on His will in regard to healing. It is in the atonement (Isaiah 53) for the LORD Jesus Christ to bare our sicknesses and carry our pains (see Strong’s for the Hebrew words choliy H2483 and mak’ob H4341) and that with His wound there is healing to us. So, just as He bore our sins 2,000 years ago, He also bore our sicknesses 2,000 years ago. And now, both forgiveness of sins and healing are received through faith. As the work is already finished. He already paid for it all. We have only to receive. The difference with healing though is that it can be appropriated by someone else’s faith, ie. the one ministering healing to the one needing it. I think it is a great disservice that we do to ourselves, or to other, and to the truth, if we do not correctly understand what our LORD provided for us in the atonement, and either believe for all that He provide for us for ourselves, or believe for it on behalf of someone else. —- Surely our sicknesses he hath borne, And our pains—he hath carried them, And we—we have esteemed him plagued, Smitten of God, and afflicted. And he is pierced for our transgressions, Bruised for our iniquities, The chastisement of our peace is on him, And by his bruise there is healing to us. Isaiah 53:4-5 (ylt) And evening having come, they brought to him many demoniacs, and he did cast out the spirits with a word, and did heal all who were ill, that it might be fulfilled that was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying, 'Himself took our infirmities, and the sicknesses he did bear.' Matthew 8:16-17 (ylt) —- He healed them all, Matt. 4:23-24, Matt. 9:35, Mark 1:33-34, Luke 6:19 The disciples healed them all, Acts 5:14-16, Acts 28:7-9 What we should strive for too, John 14:12-14

Posted by Deleted (9ef65d0e) at 2024-01-24 00:58:09 UTC