Welcome to the new MorningStar App! This next year will be a perfect season for prophetic Intercessors to partner with Heaven to bring Kingdom realities to earth! Here are some prayer points and scriptures from our Strategic Intercession for 2024 afternoon session at the Vision Conference 12/31/23: The Church: The fear of the Lord Solid foundation for times of shaking Is 11:1-5 Heb 12:22-29 Psalms‬ ‭51‬:‭1‬-‭4‬, ‭7‬-‭12‬ The Nation: Haggai 2:6-7 Desire of the Nations Immediate threats - NYC, other cities Psalm 91 CA - displacement of evil strongholds/earthquake Election year Salvation for those in office & seeking it Removal of ungodly and replacement with godly leaders Wartime president Right candidates on ticket Supreme Court decisions Prophetic Intercessors: Reese Howells prayer companies The World: Israel & the Middle East - containment of spread of war Is 19 Middle East miracle - receiving of Christ as Messiah by Jews and Muslims China: Failure of attack on Taiwan; Fall of Communism; Underground Church seeing above ground results.

Posted by Robert Rummage at 2024-01-01 04:14:49 UTC