Hello my fellow “thinking prophets.” It should not be uncommon to find people who both love Holy Spirit AND who think deeply about Scripture and the issues of life. Sadly the stereotype of charismatics is that we lack rigorous investigation into theological and philosophical matters. This of course is sometimes just a means of the cessationists - who want to posit themselves as “rational” and charismatics as “irrational” - of avoiding how flimsy their theological argument actually is. This makes it so they don’t have to actually face the reality that the doctrine of the Gifts of the Spirit is based in Scripture whereas theirs is a modernist reaction to the anti-supernatural bias of the Enlightenment age (just sayin’ 😃). But irregardless the stereotype still holds. And it’s a shame that it does because some of the most anointed people in Scripture were also deep thinkers. The apostle Paul surely comes to mind and so does Moses, the man who saw the beginning of time. In this post I muse on Moses and wonder if Moses knew by revelation that which took Einstein and high-powered telescopes to confirm by experience… https://badgerskins.blogspot.com/2022/01/moses-knew-about-theory-of-relativity.html?m=1

Posted by Clifford Paul Engels at 2024-01-22 19:16:35 UTC