Ever since it happened I cannot shake the images of the Alaska Airlines plane where the wall panel (which had been a door) blew out in mid-flight. I believe it was a sign at the beginning of this year of the open door, of what is to come. When the door opened the fierceness of that wind literally sucked the shirt off of a boy. Anything not firmly anchored was lost. I imagined it to be like the mighty rushing wind we read of in Pentecost. Perhaps even stronger. Yet even as Jesus told His Father in His prayer for the disciples “not one of those you have given me was lost.” Not one of those in that plane, who were firmly anchored in the plane with their seat belts…was lost. But awe, fear, reverence ….and thankfulness will forever mark their lives. I believe that God is going to open doors this year, and the fierceness of His glory and power will rush in and change us, and the way we “fly”… forever.

Posted by susanhannah27 at 2024-01-20 18:07:52 UTC