The 2020 Crossover Transition into the New Era Wow!! Had I known then the full picture in January of 2020 of what this “new” is… I personally don’t think we, the church get it yet! This new reality in the “new“ isn’t so much about post Covid political states, it’s about a spiritual transition. This isn’t about the enemy shifting in power! This isn’t about political power plays! This isn’t even about who is president of the United States, or any other world leader! This new era is the transition of the church. This is where wheat and tares are openly realized. Though the wheat and the tears grow up together to maturity, the wheat is not a vine that wraps around the tares. This is a place where we stand up and stand out in full maturity with our heads showing who we are. This is done by posturing ourselves in full submission to the Lord. The fully mature wheat is BOWED over in full submission, with the full weight of its fruit displayed. There must be a separation!! The wheat are the good grains that ultimately produce bread for life. Tares are weeds that look very similar to wheat in the beging stages, but produce no fruit when mature. Tares can uproot wheat if growing to close to it, so space must be kept when sowing. You cannot uproot tares because you might pull the wheat up also. Before wheat produces fruit, the tares look IDENTICAL to WHEAT. In the spring, wheat and tares grow together but the tares grow faster and shoot their branches over the wheat, preventing the wheat from growing and ripening. Therefore, the tares APPEAR taller, stronger and healthier then wheat. Don’t be fooled. The wheat is the superior bearing the fruit that is desired, bowed in complete submission to the Lord with its fruit submitted to the Lord. Holy Spirit is addressing maturity of the wheat 🌾 which is postured in complete submission bearing its fruit to Him. It’s not standing like the tares appearing to be mature and strong but steadily producing the fruit that is desired. In the end, the tares are fruitless. We’re in the time of separation.

Posted by FilledWithPower at 2024-01-20 14:53:33 UTC