On the Day of Atonement 9/25/2023, a few weeks before the Israeli attack, I gave a copy of this poem that I wrote about Jonah to the Rabbi at the Messianic Synagogue where I attended when I lived in Pensacola. I didn't know Israel was going to be attacked but God did. I believe that it was not just a message for Israel but for America. That is why I was sincerely encouraging people to pray. We really are in critical condition as a nation. Jonah was a prophet sent by God to preach repentance to Ninevah. Jonah boarded a ship, going the opposite direction only to receive God's merciful correction. A storm approached, and the ship was tossed the men on board feared for a total loss. "Cry out to your God's, the captain exclaimed!" Then Jonah confessed that he was to blame. He said I went east when God said west, and now I must endure this trial and test. If you throw me over, the storm will cease, and the wind and waves will be at peace. They had no other choice, so by hands and feet, they slung him over into the deep. He sunk to the bottom, all tangled in weeds when God sent a whale to supply for his need. Into its belly is where Jonah was sent where he repented to God for the way that he went. On the 3rd day, he was still alive when Jonah discovered that the whale was his ride. It spit him out on dry ground, and he walked three days before Ninevah was found. He preached to the King that they must turn or God would strike, and his city would burn. In sackcloth and ashes, the people did pray that the wrath of God would be stayed. God lamented of His plan when he looked down and saw the change in the land. Jonah sat down to watch the show, and then God caused a gourd to grow. In the morning, when the gourd had died, Jonah let out an angry cry. God said, "Do you care more for this gourd that you labored not for than the six score thousand persons whose lives mean more?" He had hoping to see their destruction, but God used it for Jonah's instruction.

Posted by Mkclarke425 at 2024-01-18 22:26:32 UTC