the Jewish Lives Matter (JLM) movement I mentioned in a previous post has gotten serious traction. Its main activity to date has been to fly banners over college campuses in support of Jewish citizens and students, as well as pass out leaflets, make up tee shirts and other items in support of them. These banners and other JLM activities has made a few news programs, and growth in the movement is obviously going to be great. Even so, this has been a revelation to the country about what our universities have been producing in their students, and the damage done to these schools and their reputations and support is already substantial. It is likely to have an impact on students wanting to attend them, and parents wanting to pay for their kids to go to a school that supports and/or tolerates the antisemitism and terrorist sympathizers like we have now witnessed. Badly needed deeper investigations have started into many schools. This could be the beginning of a badly needed change in our colleges and universities. Because this dies down after graduations and students leaving for the summer, we must not forget what was revealed by this and keep allowing our children that are sent to these schools have their hearts and minds so twisted and corrupted. We must not forget what we have seen.

Posted by Rick Joyner at 2024-05-05 13:07:32 UTC