On 8 October 2023, Chris Reed shared a dream that I believe we are starting to see the initial stages of. In the dream, Chris saw thousands of trained terrorists from Middle Eastern countries entering into the U.S. through our wide open southern border. These terrorists had plots to hijack the U.S. Government and ultimately bring destruction to America. He mentioned the phrase, “So goes Israel, so goes America.” In the dream, Chris saw 12 different places in the country where these cells initially took root. He specifically mentioned seeing terrorist cells in the following cities/states: Michigan, Minnesota, Arizona, Texas, the Carolinas, and the Northeast, including the cities of Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. I believe the pro-Palestinian movements we’re witnessing on college campuses could be the initial onset of this prophecy. Currently pro-Palestinian protests have been seen in all of the states/cities Chris saw in the dream. Some of the University include: the University of Michigan; University of Minnesota; University of Arizona and Arizona State University; UT Austin in Texas; Chapel Hill and the University of North Carolina; Harvard in Boston; Columbia, Fordham University, and the City College in Harlem in New York; and UPenn in Philadelphia. Protests have also taken place in many other states to include California, Florida, Wisconsin, and Missouri. Several locations saw the removal of the American flag only to have it replaced with the Palestinian flag. In Chris’ dream, he saw the demands of the terrorists. The demands of these covert terrorists in America were made clear in the dream and included the following: 1. Don’t use the U.S. military to attack or fight against the cause of Jihad. 2. Continue to send funds to Iran and other terrorist states to support them in the name of “foreign aid.” 3. They had explicit pictures of U.S. politicians in every branch of government, which they threatened to use if the U.S. crossed any “red line.” The protestors at these colleges have been making similar demands. These demands have included: divestment from companies that do business with Israel (e.g. Lockheed Martin, Honeywell, General Dynamics, and Boeing), further defunding of the police, and amnesty for all the protestors that have already been arrested. Protestors at Columbia University have even included demands for the school to send “humanitarian supplies (i.e. food and water)” to the very people that forcefully hijacked a building on the campus. Thus far there has been complete silence from our own President. In fact, there is talk within members of the Biden administration to move an unknown number of Palestinians to U.S. cities. This is a move that not even the Arab world would dare consider. To date, Egypt has refused to open the southern gate which would allow Palestinians to travel freely into the Sinai peninsula. Jordan has refused any notion to allow any refugees into their country. Saudi Arabia has been largely silent on the issue except to disagree with how Israel has handled the situation. Rick Joyner’s recently posted that he feels this is the beginning of the beginning. We must refuse to negotiate with unreasonable protestors and not compromise. We must trade being the silent majority for the very vocal majority. We must all earnestly seek God’s will in our lives for this time and move forward boldly.

Posted by salemieux12 at 2024-05-01 19:10:59 UTC