John Adams, second President of the U.S., thought that the Revolutionary War actually started in the 1760's, years before the Declaration of Independence. He said it began with the increasingly harsh methods of the British to tax the colonies to pay for the French and Indian War. Not only were these harsh, but they violated the charters given to the colonies for such things as self-government, and promises that the colonies would not be taxed without their representation. Adam's insight has an application to us today. The Second American Revolutionary War began years ago, and is being waged now. Thankfully, it is not a hot war yet, and just as the colonies pursued a strategy for years to avoid a hot war, we should do so too. Their strategy was called the "Strategy of Three Boxes." These were the Soap Box, the Ballot Box, and then, only as a last resort, they would use the Cartridge Box. The Soap Box was sharing the message to the colonists and British about the injustices. This was mostly done from the pulpits of the colonies. When the British sought to silence these, the Ballot Box was used. The colonists hoped the message from these would be so overwhelming that the British would rethink their increasing harshness toward the colonies. Instead the British started shutting down the colonist's state and local assemblies and imposed martial law using British troops and officials. This led to the Cartridge Box. Our fight today was actually sanctioned by the Founding Fathers. In fact, the Second Amendment to protect the right of citizens to bear arms was a message to our government if it became tyrannical, but that this would only be used if the first two boxes failed. We have a chance to not go to Box #3 this November. Because it didn't work with the British does not mean it cannot work for us now, who are again facing a terrible tyranny, but from our own government for how those in it have disregarded our Constitution as "the supreme law" of our Republic. No doubt the rage is rising in America, but lets focus our energy on Box #2, the Ballot Box, and PRAY for TRUTH, LIBERTY and JUSTICE FOR ALL to prevail, and our Constitution being respected and observed, without having to resort to Box #3.

Posted by Rick Joyner at 2024-05-01 14:24:53 UTC