NATIONAL EMERGENCY: for over 30 years Bob Jones warned us that when the U.S. became presumptuous, and started to pressure Israel in ways that God is not leading them, that God would divide the U.S. by releasing the New Madrid fault, the resulting earthquake destroying the bridges across the Mississippi separating our land. The paths of the last two eclipses seen in the U.S. crossed over the New Madrid fault. This fault is in the divine crosshairs. The Lord raised up Israel for His own purposes in these times. He used the U.S. in a major way to help with the founding and support of Israel, for which we have been blessed as a nation. However, the pride with which we have recently begun to treat Israel, will result in a terrible destruction in our land if we do not repent of this arrogance. Pray for our leaders to have the wisdom and humility to turn from the course before we suffer this tragic consequence.

Posted by Rick Joyner at 2024-04-15 12:27:30 UTC