I am usually a pretty chill person. Over many years I have learned to lean into the love of Jesus and rarely get wound-up except over issues/people that I feel passionately about. However, the last couple of days I have been experiencing an onslaught of anxiety. People issues and situations, seemingly out of my realm of understanding, have tried to throw my mind and body into a tizzy. I have been able to speak peace over my racing heart and it has responded. The Lord has guided me through a financial situation as I asked for His wisdom, direction and timing. “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.” I believe it is coming from the enemy on a whole new level as we have entered into a new era and the fight has intensified. I share this with you to encourage you. If you are experiencing an unusually heavy onslaught from the enemy it is not an anomaly. Praise the Lord, draw a line in the sand, take a deep breath and declare your belief that God is good and He loves you! Bless you, family!

Posted by fragments7 at 2024-04-10 21:11:15 UTC