"American Marxism has adapted the language and allure of utopianism.... It is “tyranny disguised as a desirable, workable and even paradisiacal governing ideology. There are…unlimited utopian constructs, for the mind is capable of infinite fantasies. But there are common themes. The fantasies take the form of grand social plans or experiments, the impracticability and impossibility of which, in small ways and large, lead to the individual’s subjugation” Mark Levin Karl Marx is perhaps history's most twisted and insane pseudo intellectual. As has been said, "A Marxist is someone who follows Marx. An anti-Marxist is someone who has actually read Marx." His theories were madness, but they wrapped in the most appealing garb of utopian idealism. Any who went deeper than the wrapping, will recognize the insanity of his madness is they have more than a fifth grade education. But to the superficial who are drawn into Marxism, the voices of reason seem to be just rudeness trying to interrupt their beautiful dream. But the most rude awakening of all is the cruel prison and slavery Marxists inevitably create out of the world when they actually gets power. The reason Marxism is so appealing to the aspiring intellectuals that are the students in our universities is because of the presentation of Marxism there, which is far from the reality of what Marxism actually is. Impressionable students are easily duped by the propaganda of Marxism, which promises to unify the world and bring true justice, which everyone wants. However, these are shielded from the truth of what Marxism actually is, as revealed in every example where Marxism has gained power. The witness of history is absolute and irrefutable, but those in a beautiful dream refrain from its truth as rudeness trying to deprive them of their sweet dreams. These may be sweet for dreams for those now asleep, but those dreams will inevitably be a terrible nightmare when they wake up. But God has given us a sure promise of something far better than any utopia men could create, and it will be a kingdom that will last forever. It will surely come as soon as the darkness of this present age has run its course, and mankind will have finally learned that we must never try to run the world again without our Creator.
Posted by Rick Joyner at 2024-04-10 12:02:05 UTC