"In the last 3,400 years, the earth has only known 268 years of peace. Only eight percent of the last three millenniums have been war free. At the writing of this book, there are thirty wars going on around the world. There are few things more common to the human experience than battle." When there were just two brothers on the whole earth one of them rose up and killed his brother. Fallen human beings will fight with one another. The "natural" state of men is conflict. But we are called to a supernatural life, a "new creation" far superior than the first creation man. Jesus came to bring peace on earth, and good will toward men. in Hebrews 12:14 we are commanded, "Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord." That's a serious consequence for not pursuing peace, and sanctification, which is a separate, holy life dedicated to the Lord. How can we pursue peace with others today? How can we pursue sanctification?

Posted by Rick Joyner at 2024-04-03 11:18:37 UTC