The love of God was never intended to be a mystery. Like, the church is still puzzled over the love of God. We sing songs - why He would love us so? And it’s a big question mark, like, “Why would He love me?” Come on. Who’s ever heard that phrase and who’s ever thought, “Well why would God ever love me?” The only reason we’re struggling - the only reason it’s a mystery is because we’re weighing and assessing our value based life and our life’s performance. And then we’re looking at our assessment, we’re looking at rap sheet and we’re wondering what there is to love about me. Well that’s not what God loves, that’s what God changes. See what God loves is who He created you to be. God loves your destiny. God loves your heritage in the Lord. God loves your potential - your created value. See we’re trying to find the love of God in some mystical way. And we’re trying to relate to how God can love me but we’re identifying me based on the life we know. That’s the life that dies. That’s the life that we say no to. That’s the life that we put off. What we realize is we were living what we were never created to be. We were born into a lie. We were born into Adam and we must be born again. And because God never lost sight of our created value, our destiny, our potential, He never changed His mind about our value. So He seems to think it’s worth the blood of His Son Jesus for you and me to live. So He must see a whole lot more than we’ve produced. He must know what we look like when He’s inside of us. He must know what we are capable of in the Holy Ghost. Do you get it? So the love of God is not a mystery. Please don’t get trapped ever again saying, “I can’t believe God would love me.” Believe it, because He loves what He created you to be. He loves your destiny. He paid the price for you to write legacy not to mull around in where you’ve been and what you’ve done. That’s not who you are. “Forgive them Father. They know not what they do.” He came to shine the light on that kind of darkness to change your life forever. It’s not like, “Well, we’re always sinners. Well, you know, we’re just going to get messed up. It’s a wonder God even considers us.” He doesn’t tolerate you. He loves you.

Posted by LionofJuda@1990 at 2024-04-02 18:12:44 UTC