I've been a Christian for over 50 years and I've yet to meet a Christian that seemed to hate, anyone. They may hate some agendas, such as the LGBTQ, and at times expressed fears about it that seemed extreme at the time, such as how they would try to go after children, and ever pervert the educations system. But what may have seemed like an extreme fear then, has now happened, to an even greater degree than I think any feared. Even so, I never felt that there was hatred toward the people behind these agendas, just what they were doing. However, Christians are now portrayed "haters" by those who so obviously and viciously do hate others, especially Christians. Jesus Himself warned that His followers would be hated by all nations, and this now seems to be coming true. However, those who call others "haters" who do hate Christians, de-legitimizes themselves, just as any wayward Christians do that become haters of others. There are some Christian groups that do hate. They are a tiny fraction of the Christian community, and they probably do more damage to the Christian witness than all other enemies of the faith. Even so, we know that God loves all, and desires their salvation. We should too. We're commanded to love our enemies. We cannot fully obey the Lord until we do, and love should help us find ways to reach those we most disagree with, if possible without compromising our convictions, and calling what God has called sin and evil, sin and evil. Today we celebrate the Lord's resurrection, and the promise that all who believe in His atonement sacrifice will live forever in His kingdom. A kingdom that is so wonderful we cannot even now comprehend it now. To on this day get the news that our sitting president, Biden, had designated this holiest of days, a day for "trans visibility," could hardly be more insulting to Christians, how are we expected to handle this? In a day when there is even such emphasis on using the right pronoun that someone prefers to keep from offending them is considered such a terrible transgression, its obvious that these who think offending others is so horrible, means this for everyone but Christians. This reveals a lot about how the divisions among us are growing so much bigger so fast, but it is still crucial that we respond to such offenses as the Lord would have us do, and as He demonstrated. That this declaration by Biden at this time is going to push more Christians over the line to actually hating others is a real possibility, and we must not let this happen. Disagree even more vehemently is understandable, but hatred is not an option if we would truly follow Christ. So what do we do? First, let's ask for the truth, spoken with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, to set the captives free who have fallen to such extreme depravity and delusion as is being manifested in this time. Let us resolve to love God, and people, all people, even more, and to better portray Him to others. But let us also love His truth and His standards of righteousness, which is what is right in His sight. As the Creator He alone can define this, and He has very clearly in His Word. We are called to live by it, and stand for it, without compromise, in love. Has not the compromise of what He has so clearly stated as righteousness been at least part of what has opened the door to the level of perversion and depravity we are witnessing in our time. This darkness that is now covering so much of the earth happened on our watch. But if His people stand for His righteousness, and live by it, while loving all, even our worst enemies, would that now certainly be clear evidence that He is alive, and His truth will ultimately prevail?

Posted by Rick Joyner at 2024-03-31 08:43:04 UTC