Today we celebrate the greatest act of love in all of creation, in all of eternity--Jesus suffering torture and then death on the cross for our sin. He paid the price for all of our transgressions, redeeming us and the world that has so suffered because of our transgressions. That God would empty Himself of His divinity and do this for us while we were still sinners, that He would even do this for those who tortured and crucified Him, will forever be the marvel of the creation, and the greatest demonstration that God truly is love. This greatest of all acts of love was also the most unjust act there will ever be. Jesus had not sinned, and was the One who least deserved the treatment He was given by the very ones He came to save. God is still unjustly blamed for virtually every tragedy and bad thing that happens in the world. These are not caused by Him, but by our disobedience, but we blame Him. The first evidence that we are beginning to perceive truth and justice is when we start to understand that all of the evil that happens on the earth was caused by man--us--and that when we acknowledge this personally it begins the redemption, reconciliation, and restoration that will eventually make the earth again into the paradise it was created to be. The earth will again see the lion lie down with the lamb, and children play with cobras, and no one will ever hurt or be hurt again. All of the evil on the earth is cause by man thinking we could run this world without God. The evil that is in our own hearts, and the world, begins to be dispelled when we realize we cannot do this, and we turn back to Him, seeking His help and guidance from the One who, though rejected by men, has promised He will never leave or forsake us if we will return to Him.

Posted by Rick Joyner at 2024-03-29 13:48:18 UTC