You Were Born For Such A Time as This! Purim A cry rang out from the King’s Watchman Mordecai, ”Willl You rise up O Fair One? Will You arise and shine and finally take Your place with your King at His Throne? Will You go now into Your King and stand in the gap for Our People and His People? For You O Fair One have been prepared for such a time, and have endured many harsh beauty treatments to be made ready to Shine and Glow for His Majesty the King. The Queen’s heart sank within Her as she cried out, ”But the decree!” ”Oh yes, the decree,” the Watchman Mordecai regrettably proclaimed. ”Once sealed by the King can never be revoked. Deception and rebellion doomed the people to death, and the envelope was sealed with the Lord our King’s Signet Ring. Nonetheless, arise and go now, O Fair One!” the Watchmam commanded. Confused and overwhelmed at the news and plan to annihilate of Her people, the Queen beseeched the Watchman saying, ”I just got this dress! I was an orphan that has now become Queen! And do you not realize that going into the King without being called is punishable by death? Are you asking me O Watchman to lay down My life?” The Watchman then strongly warned the Queen, ”If you do not, another will be raised up in Your place, and You and Your household will perish! Who knows O Bride, O Queen, whether You have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this! It was then, the Queen’s eyes opened wide to Her True Identity. She thought of Her People, but mostly Her King, and how His Kingdom would perish if Haman’s evil plot came to fruition and prevailed. With fierce, piercing eyes of a Warrior, the Bride proclaims to the Wathchman, ”If I perish I perish!” The Watchman now knowing Her call, whispers tenderly to the Queen, as a father would to his own daughter and says, ”The King put out a call for a True Queen. Not just one of outward works and beauty, but one who would be Faithful and True. One Who would Co-laborer with Her King within His Kingdom and share His very Heart. He chose You, an orphan, a Jew, to come into His Chamber and received You as His own. Your old name Hadassah was changed to a new name, Esther (A Star)! A Star to shine brightly now in great darkness! Knowing full well the law was death to those who approached the King in the inner court (without being called), lest He hold out His Golden Scepter, Esther called on Her People within the Kingdom to fast and pray. Now it came to pass on the Third Day, Esther, dressed in Her Royal Robes, drew near to the inner court. While the King sat upon His Throne facing the entrance of the Royal House, He saw Queen Esther and held out the golden scepter, for She found favor in His sight. He marveled at the sight of Her. It was not because of Her beauty that the king marveled, but how His Beloved had matured—finally putting on Her Royal Robes as She stood before Him with great courage, in Her Identity in Him—His Queen. His Beloved Esther drew near to Him and touched the tip of the scepter. Her Beloved King Spoke, ”What is Your request My Queen? It shall be given You, up to half the Kingdom.” With a gentle Voice He continued, ”I put a call out for a faithful Queen and you responded. I chose you among many maidens. Queen Vashti (beautiful ) was beautiful on the outside but did not walk as One with Me. All of her beauty treatments were outward. But You My Dove, My Love, My Fair One, hold My very Heart within You, and walk with Me as One. I've trusted You with My Heart, therefore I gave it to You, and you received it. Thou hast Doves’ eyes for Me and will not fix your gaze upon another. My Light Shines through You Esther (A Star), and You are Glorious!” Suddenly, with eyes like fire and Voice of vengeance, the King declared, ”This evil plan has been revealed to You My Beloved, and now Haman hangs upon his own noose!” “But the Decree!” cried Esther to Her King. ”Rest My Child, My Ring and Scarlet Dye that seals the envelope, has All Power! Trust Me, for the Crimson Dye that seals this Second Decree will overcome the first, so You will know how dearly Beloved You and Your People are to Me. The First Decree cannot be revoked due to the Faithfulness of My Word as King, and will surely come to fruition in it’s evil. As King, I decree and grant You Full Authority in My Name, Beloved, concerning Your People and My People. Seal it with My Crimson Dye and stamp it with My Signet Ring, and no one can ever revoke it! Send the Decree to all of Your People and all of My People. For to You it has been made known and to Your enemies it has not, declared the King. In My Name and by My Authority, execute Your Plan! The day the King’s First Decree of Death was to be executed, the enemies of Esther’s People had hoped to overcome them. Due to the King’s Second and Final Decree, sealed with His Crimson Dye, the opposite occurred! Esther’s People were made ready and fully prepared before their enemies arrived! On that day, Esther’s People took up Their Swords and began to Wield them! They even received favor from the King’s Court! No one could withstand them because fear fell upon all of the people! They overcame their enemies by His Seal of Crimson Dye and the Word of the New Decree! Therefore the People throughout the Kingdom villages, Who dwelt in the unwalled towns, celebrated with gladness and feasting! There was great celebration throughout the land! They had rest from all of Their enemies. THE END. Fear not Beloved, for YOU have come into the Kingdom for such a time as this! You’ve been through some harsh beauty treatments, and have been made ready to take your place! A place where You love not your own life unto death. Jesus Your King has done ALL He’s going to do, so Arise now and Shine Beloved, because His Light is upon You and within You (Isaiah 60:1)! The eyes of the Bride of Christ will open to this reality as she “spends the night” with Her King. A night in the “Secret Place” within the very Chambers of His Heart. Song of Solomon 1:15 says, “thou hast doves’ eyes,” and is symbolic of doves being single eyed (monogamous), and not setting their gaze upon another. This place of intimacy causes substance or conception (Proverbs 8:21) and brings forth birth, and is what truly separates the Daughters of Jerusalem (Vashti’s) from the Beloved Bride (Song of Solomon 5:8-16). Truly Knowing Him and not just knowing about Him, will cause us to love not our own lives unto death, and to love His Life in us more! Church, it's time to answer a Call! Let's not focus on the ”new dress” of outward appearances and dead religious works, for it's time to mature and put on Your Royal Robes! In Esther 5:1 it is written, “On the third day...” which signifies both the Resurrection Power of Jesus’ Life abiding in Us, and His Beloved Bride opening Her eyes to Her True Identity in Christ Her King, as she takes Her Rightful Place with Him in His Kingdom. He has taken our filthy garments (our orphan sin condition) and has given us a new name! He's robed us in HIS Righteousness, so we can now enter into the King’s Holy Presence and not perish! He’s granted You favor Beloved and beckoned You in, to share and take hold of the Royal Rod of Authority in His Name (Luke 10:19)! As husband and wife—king and queen, He desires to share His Love, His Life, and His Power with You as One. He chose His Bride among many maidens. She has been through some tough ”beauty” treatments such as trials, testings, tribulations, heartaches, and many sufferings. She has been found faithful and trustworthy with Her King’s Heart and Mind. She's been granted favor to Co-labor with Him on Earth as it is in Heaven. He trusts Her Heart is One with His. Now, due to a New and Better Covenant (Decree), Sealed with His Crimson Blood and Stamped with His Eternal Signet Ring, King Jesus now asks His Bride, What is Your request? Even up to the entire Kingdom, it will be given you (John 14:14, Luke 12:32). We no longer stand in the Throne Room before the King, but are SEATED with Him in His Royal House, upon His Royal Throne in Power (Ephesians 2:6)! This Call is a serious one—especially in this time. It won’t be enough to just know about the King and do works for the King. We must lose our lives so fully, that The King walks through us! He’s given each one of us an invitation to the “Secret Place,” be it man or women, for this Place has no gender, but is of the Spirit. Religious acts or rituals won’t make it in this day. You must truly know Your Creator and King intimately, in order not to be shaken. He’s created you to share His Life and His Love with you, and that's why without God, this life will never fully work, because you were born for so much more! He’s preparing an Army, and this preparation is vital. We’re called to be good soldiers (2 Timothy 2:3), and if not properly trained (disciplined, obedience), we will never “enter” into the place of Authority (Revelation 3:21, 2 Corinthians 10:6). This is the Authority that HAS overcome the world (powers of darkness and evil)! We’re of a different Kingdom Church, with an ALL Mighty King abiding in us (John 17:15-16)! If you've asked Jesus and the Holy Spirit into your heart, believe He rose from the dead, and asked Him to forgive all of your sins (and really mean it), then you have the King’s Power within you. As the Church takes Her place, seated upon the Throne (Revelation 3:21), the King presents a COMPLETE Suit of Armor, fashioned just for His Beloved. The Lord reminds Her again and again through His Word— Put on the Whole Armor of God, so You are able to withstand the evil day, and do ALL to STAND (Ephesians 6:10-20)! She knows this Armor Shines so brightly with His Glory, that it blinds those who say they can see (Acts 9:1-9)! As you join the ranks of His Army and step into Your True Identity, it's important that you remember, we wrestle not against flesh and blood (2 Corinthians 10:4-5), for this is a spiritual battle that has already been won, and no earthly weapon can obtain it. It is not the people in deception we war (wrestle) against, but forces of evil through them. Not by might, not by power, but My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 4:6)! First, Beloved, we must stand in the gap for the Church (God's People), Who have become lukewarm (Revelation 3:16) and have strayed from their First Love (Jesus) to serve other gods. The Church has shut Him out, as He patiently knocks to come in as the Head (Husband), yearning to join His Beloved Body (Revelation 3:20). Joel 2:12-32 gives us Keys and insight concerning this. As we TURN (repent) TO HIM WITH ALL OF OUR HEART, PRAY, FAST, WEEP BETWEEN THE PORCH AND THE ALTAR (stand in the gap), and CRY OUT, SPARE YOUR PEOPLE, O LORD! Then the Lord may be gracious and merciful and turn the sentence around concerning this evil army, and leave behind a blessing! If our hearts are not pure and One with Him, how on earth will we have Authority to pray (bind, loose) and lead the lost to Salvation (2 Corinthians 10:6)? He’s desiring a strong standing Army in this time to overcome a Fierce, Satanic, Hordes of Hell army, working it's web of lies and deception through a lost and hopeless harvest of people. In the New Covenant in His Blood, our Swords are not physical as in Esther’s battle, but are Mighty IN GOD! In 2 Chronicles 20:15, “This is what the Lord says to you: ‘ Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.” Church, spirits are fought with the Spirit within us and through us, as we Co laborer in prayer with Him (and each other-Matthew 18:19), ENFORCING HIS TOTAL VICTORY (Luke 10:19)! He will move all things (foot soldiers) on earth according to His plan, as we pray in Oneness with His will in the Spirit. We have a NEW and BETTER Covenant in which the Lord commands us to take up our “Swords” in a different way then under The Old Covenant or Decree. That is to WEILD the WORD OF THE LORD (Ephesians 6:17) as we Execute and Enforce (Bind, Loose) the FINISHED WORK of Christ. We OVERCOME EVIL with GOOD (Romans 12:21)! Now as the enemy approaches, His Warrior Bride is making Herself Ready! It was given for Her (beforehand) to know this evil plan that would annihilate Her People and the strategy to OVERCOME them, but to Her enemy it was not (Matthew 13:11). Like Haman and his army, this approaching enemy of Lawlessness is looking to annihilate God’s People and enslave a generation. This Satanic Power Grab infiltrates the minds, twisting them up in lies and deep deception. This occurs when people are unaware of their True Identity, and a Loving Father Who’s created them and truly loved them to death! This Evil Web eventually ensnares and enslaves people to serve it’s evil agenda, and destroys the Freedom in Christ they were born for. Many men and woman (especially young) are enslaved by this lawlessness, and seduced into becoming part of a counterfeit family, with a counterfeit father (see John 8:44 ). They join these lawless families to have purpose, for their real purpose has not been revealed to them, nor has His Law of Love been written upon their hearts. They're in great need of Spiritual fathers (1 Corinthians 4:15, Psalm 68:5). As the True Church stands in the gap for them, their True Father will Seal the Law upon their hearts, and write them upon their minds (Hebrews 10:16). Years ago, the Words Elijah! Elijah! Elijah! came forth in prayer, and I knew it had to do with Malachi 4:5-6. It reads, “Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” It should be no surprise that evil must come to full fruition. For just as the King’s First Death Decree in Esther is similar to the Death Decree in Genesis 3 (the Fall in the Garden), God Said it and Sealed it, and His Word cannot be revoked. But Thanks and Praise be unto Our God for His awesome plan in Jesus! A New Covenant (Decree) to OVERCOME and fulfill the Old Covenant (Decree), Sealed with His Blood (Signet Ring)! Revelation 12:11 declares, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their loves to the death.” In John 16:33 Jesus says, “I have told you these things so that IN ME you may have PEACE. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have OVERCOME the world.” (Emphasis mine) Trumpets commanded to be blown around Jericho must have seemed so silly and too easy for such warriors. As we obey what the Lord has asked concerning our enemies and the people they operate through, and intercede according to His will, HE will DELIVER them into our hands! Who will remain upon His Throne, seated at His Right Hand of Power (Colossians 3:1), resting in His Finished Work? Jesus put the noose around Haman’s (Satan’s) neck at the Cross (Colossians 2:15), so press into the FINISHED work of Christ and ENFORCE it here on Earth AS IT IS in Heaven! The Lord has given US dominion over all the earth IN HIS NAME (Luke 10:19, Mark 16:17-18), so remove Your Swords from their sheaths, and take them up! Wield the WORD of LORD in COMPLETE VICTORY! In the book of Matthew 2:2, it is written, “For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.” Jesus is called, The Bright Morning Star (Revelation 22:16-17). The Morning Star shines in the darkness and speaks, daybreak is imminent! The Bright Morning Star is in YOU (Esther)! May His Presence (Parousia) arise in your heart for SUCH A TIME AS THIS, for those who dwell in darkness, that they may see His Glorious Light through you (Isaiah 60:1)!

Posted by sowingclub at 2024-03-24 20:58:13 UTC