‭‭1 Corinthians 6:17 ESV‬‬ But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. This is being made so clear to me now. After having an experience, where are He took me out of my body and we went places and saw things. I was in him and we were one.. We are one. There is not him and me in the spirit. But there is we when it comes to holy spirit in us. And we can be one with each other too, through His Spirit, our Spirit, Holy Spirit. That was Jesus' final prayer. These are spiritual things...not just cool concepts to try to relate to the spiritual world. We are spirit more than we are flesh. We're just living in this earthly tint for a little while even though we were born in it. We are also new creations in the spirit and we will live forever in that world and even be a part of that world coming to this one and the two dimensions becoming one. Yes, He has show me many things and continues to do so all the time.

Posted by michaelambrosia at 2024-03-21 12:03:08 UTC