Word for the Week 📖✨ Continuing with our theme of new covenant church life, there are two Greek words translated “church” or “fellowship” in the New Testament. The first, ecclesia, represents government and structure, and koinonia is the bonding and vital union of the church members. In much of the present structure of church in the West, ecclesia is usually emphasized over koinonia. However, as we read last week in I John 1:7, it is koinonia that determines whether we are walking in the light. So, if we do not start with koinonia as the basis and foundation of our life together, it may be hard to... #RickJoyner #wordsofwisdom To read more, click the link below: https://mstarm.org/part11
Posted by MorningStar Ministries at 2024-03-12 16:00:35 UTC