We’re coming out of the show — Watching “church” as a show.. 3 songs, a 29 minute sermon, potlucks and go home — worship as entertainment about us for us into the Kingdom which is none of that. The Kingdom is at hand. We are the church and we must grow up to the full stature of Christ not the little kingdoms we’ve built. No no… it’s Christ in you the hope of glory and He will be glorified in His church. We’re coming into the time which now is where we are the sign and a wonder to this generation. Wherever, we are we let Holy Spirit move in and through us. The gifts must be given away and not idolized and categorized to one specific person propping them up as the main event. Jesus is the main event. It’s going to be exciting.

Posted by FilledWithPower at 2024-03-12 00:32:52 UTC