Biden broke two records for his State of the Union Address--the latest date this has ever been given, and the lies told in it. It seemed as if everything he said was the exact opposite of the truth. This was a sad day for the office of the president, but is it possible that Biden did not know that he was lying? Is it possible for him to be in that much delusion and is just parroting what his handlers are telling him? Either way, by him delivering his speech with such energy, and with no major foul ups, it may ensure that he gets the Democratic Party nomination. There is probably not anyone who will be as easy for Trump to beat than Biden. However, with Biden's obvious increasing frailty he may not be able to make it to November as the nominee. How did America get to such a low place? The prophet Isaiah tells us that when a nation turns from the Lord, as America has been doing, the He will give that nation "capricious children" as their leaders. The only answer is for us to turn back to the Lord, and welcome Him in our land again.

Posted by Rick Joyner at 2024-03-08 13:10:19 UTC