Dream 2008 As I looked out over N.Y.C., I saw an eagle flying in the distance, circling the the city. As I looked closer I noticed the Eagle was flying with only one wing. I thought, that's really strange! The Eagle flew into the city and landed upon the highest pinnacle. He was majestic and very large, and truly an awesome sight to behold! As I looked upon him I noticed his right wing was badly wounded and frayed. The wing looked like a worn torn flag that had been through a long wearisome battle. Filled with sadness and disbelief I thought, how could this happen to such a majestic creature!! It was heart wrenching to behold him in such condition. As I continued watching him (from a close aerial view), I noticed his gaze was fixed upon the city. It was as if he hadn't a thought about his shredded wounded wing. He was perched on that pinnacle and was immovable! Suddenly, a gentle breeze began to blow upon the wing, and the crippled wing began to move. The wind blew under the wing and caused the wing to swirl! It swirled and swirled and swirled into a banner! End of dream. I knew when I awoke, I was to call and share the dream with Wade Taylor, who was in Washington, D.C. Interpretation In the dream I watched as the Eagle flew with one very strong wing and landed upon what I knew to be The Freedom Tower (Bldg. wasn't completed at the time). The Eagle landed upon the highest pinnacle in the city (The Freedom Tower) which represents God’s Call for this nation (Freedom) and His Authority being high above all! Also, Wade Taylor wrote concerning this dream, “A Visitation would come,” and I believe an immovable Prophetic Eye, to call forth one ( Donald Trump) for such a time as this (2016). Concerning the wings, it was apparent that the left wing was very strong and wanted to ”fly” solo. The left wing declared war on the right wing, continually pummeling it to gain control. I remember sharing this dream with Rick Joyner (2016) who said, ”An eagle needs two wings to fly.” Those words spoke to my heart, and confirmed that the Eagle represented America. It also confirmed to me that Donald Trump was being Called from N.Y.C. and “waiting in the wings” to become our next president. Prophetically speaking, the Lord was showing the condition of the Eagle (America), but because He has called Her, He was not moved by Her condition, but had His Eyes fixed on the solution. The wind that gently blew in, was the Wind of the Spirit, bringing healing and restoration to the right wing. The swirling motion speaks of momentum in the Spirit, for it is not in a man, but through the prayers of God’s people that the Spirit comes and redeems (Matthew 18:19)! The wing being transformed into a banner, speaks of a loving Father hearing and answering the prayers His Children, and waving His banner of love over them in this nation (Exodus 17:15, Song of Solomon 2:4). After sharing the dream with Wade Taylor (2008) he expressed that there would be a visitation to N.Y.C., the crippled wing would be restored, and the True Church would ascend again! This dream is much clearer today as this Civil War rages on within the wings. The overreach of power in the left wing to remain in control, in order to enslave people and hold them in bondage for selfish gain is becoming more apparent. If we look through the fog of deception, we can see interesting similarities to our nation's first Civil War. At war, this wing tares and rips to shreds the moral fiber and righteousness of the right wing, crippling its own body. Eventually, left without God, will consume itself, and America will be no more. A perfect Antichrist plan! If the Church turns to Him with ALL of Her heart, God will answer and heal our land! America is not just a physical land but a Spiritual one. It holds within Her, the very Super~Nature of God. Things you can't touch or see with the natural eye. Things such as Freedom, Liberty, and Justice for ALL! But most of all, the sacrifice of shed blood for Freedom. I'm not suggesting America is the Bride (New Jerusalem) or the Promised Land, but a diverse, unique nation, founded by God, which shines forth His Spirit of freedom, liberty, and justice for all. Her Light and Glory beckons those who desire the same. Unfortunately, mankind can twist God's plans for evil intent, but the root and original intent of America was (is) good. America’s symbol is the Eagle, and an Eagle needs two wings to fly in order to remain balanced. Any other representation would be deformed. When a storm comes, the Eagle learns how to use the updraft (winds) of the storm to go higher— far above the storm! So it is with the Spirit of America! It's only when tested through the winds of adversity, can She truly fly upon the Winds to see clearly all She was born for, and discover the true meaning of Liberty, Freedom, and Justice for all!

Posted by sowingclub at 2024-03-05 15:47:35 UTC