Father God” - I came forth from the source of life. Matthew 23:9 says, “Call no man on earth your father…” That doesn’t mean you’re sinning on father’s day if you send him a card. What it means is - He says you have one Father and He’s in heaven. Because the word “father” in that term means is to come forth from. What it means is don’t limit, regulate or identify your life by natural means - hereditary or biological existence. You have one reason for being here because God said, “Let there be man in our image.” And He made man in His image. Call no man on earth your father. Don’t say, “Well, you don’t know my upbringing.” It has nothing to do with who you are and who you were created to be. “Well, you don’t know what it was like when I was growing up.” I understand and I’m sorry but that changes now that Christ has come. Why do we keep painting the picture of what was now that He’s come?

Posted by LionofJuda@1990 at 2024-03-01 16:43:39 UTC